
The establishment of the school and an overview of it

 The Madhat Elsewedy School of Applied Technology was established by Engineer Madhat Hafez Elsewedy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Madhat Elsewedy Print House, in the years 2022-2023, in alignment with Egypt’s Vision 2030 for the development of the technical education and vocational training system. The aim was to bridge the gap between theoretical educational processes and the actual needs of the job market. This initiative marked the launch of the first specialized applied technology school in the field of printing, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Technical Education, and Education.

The school aims to prepare a generation of qualified technicians capable of competing in the local, regional, and international printing market by developing their skills and providing them with the necessary practical experience. It emphasizes its role in providing sustainable and practical education that meets the needs of Egyptian society and its youth.

The school offers educational programs that combine theoretical education with practical training in various printing industry fields. The goal is to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the demands of the job market and achieve continuous success in their careers. Additionally, the school endeavors to create a stimulating educational environment and provide good job opportunities for Egyptian youth in the printing industry, with the aim of building a strong and sustainable community by empowering young people to succeed and progress in their professional lives.



The location of the school

Plot No. 68, Industrial Zone A4, 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt


The study system at Madhat Elsewedy Secondary School of Applied Technology, known as MEAT

The school operates on a credit-hour system and offers internationally accredited curricula at the highest level in various printing specializations: Printing Technology, Digital Printing, Printing Quality Preparation and Output Technology, Maintenance Technology, Auxiliary Printing Services, Design Technology, Montage, and Sales Marketing. These curricula are designed and prepared by a group of university professors and experts specialized in the field.

The school provides practical field training at the industrial partner’s factories, specifically Madhat Elsewedy Print House, with the aim of equipping students with the required technical skills to become professional technicians who understand contemporary work culture and have the ability to engage in the job market.

Madhat Elsewedy Print House offers outstanding graduates to both local and international job markets due to the internationally accredited certifications obtained by students. Additionally, the company will create multiple career paths for its distinguished graduates.

At Madhat Elsewedy  Secondary School of Applied Technology, known as MEAT

The school operates on a credit-hour system. The school offers internationally accredited curricula at the highest level in various printing specializations, including Printing Technology, Digital Printing, Printing Quality Preparation and Output Technology, Maintenance Technology, Auxiliary Printing Services, Design Technology, Montage, and Sales Marketing. These curricula are designed and prepared by a group of university professors and experts specialized in the field.

The school provides practical field training at the industrial partner’s factories, specifically Madhat Elsewedy Print House, with the aim of equipping students with the required technical skills to become professional technicians who understand contemporary work culture and have the ability to engage in the job market.

Madhat Elsewedy School of Applied Technology offers outstanding graduates to both local and international job markets due to the internationally accredited certifications obtained by students. Additionally, the school works to create multiple career paths for its distinguished graduates.

Tuition Fees:

The school is a government institution under the Ministry of Education, Technical Education, and Education, and is subject to government expenses. These expenses are settled directly through the Ministry. The industrial partner (Madhat Elsewedy Print House) provides all educational services free of charge without imposing any financial fees.


Graduates of the school receive a Technical Diploma in “Printing Technician” from Applied Technology Schools, which qualifies them to join technological colleges, industrial education colleges without equivalence, and engineering colleges for distinguished students after passing the equivalence exam. Additionally, they receive a certificate of experience from Madhat Elsewedy Print House


Students study subjects specified by the Ministry of Education, Technical Education, and Education, including Arabic, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Social Studies, Economics, and Physical Education. Additionally, they study technical subjects related to various printing specializations, along with lectures on personal skill development to build the students’ character, evaluate their behaviors, and enhance their social skills. The school collaborates with the Ministry of Education, Technical Education, and Education to conduct monthly electronic theoretical and practical evaluations.


Madhat Elsewedy School of Applied Technology also focuses on cultural transformation for students by providing:

  1. Religious and awareness lectures.
  2. Vocational guidance and counseling program conducted by a group of accredited trainers from the Professional Academy for Teachers.
  3. Training program in innovation and entrepreneurship delivered by a group of accredited trainers from the Professional Academy for Teachers.
  4. English language courses.


Admission Requirements:

  • Obtaining a modern preparatory certificate.
  • Meeting the minimum admission requirements set by the Ministry of Education, Technical Education.
  • The applicant’s age should not exceed 18 years in October of the applying year.
  • Passing the electronic exams prepared by the ministry.
  • Applicants undergo tests in Arabic, English, Mathematics, Computer Science, IQ (Intelligence Quotient), as well as aptitude tests and personal interviews.
  • Acceptance to Madhat Elsewedy School of Applied Technology is based on the results of the tests and interviews and according to the school’s targeted capacity.
  • Students apply to the school through the Ministry of Education, Technical Education’s website or manually at the school’s headquarters. The school accepts students from all governorates.


Educational Programs:

  • Offset Printing Technology.
  • Digital Printing.
  • Printing Quality Preparation and Output Technology.
  • Maintenance Technology and Auxiliary Printing Services.
  • Design Technology, Montage, and Sales Marketing.


Benefits provided by the industrial partner for Madhat Elsewedy students:

  • Financial rewards for training throughout the year.
  • Providing school uniforms and field training uniforms at Madhat Elsewedy Print House
  • Providing free transportation for students from the school to field training locations.
  • Providing health insurance at private hospitals.
  • Summer training at the industrial partner’s companies (Madhat Elsewedy Print House).


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